Since my last escapade with The Knife Maker, much has happened. The most interesting being my new association with Team Seattle, (teamseattle.com) led by non other than Don Kitch Jr. himself, king of speed, teacher of speedy wannabe's and generally remarkable fellow. I met him on a flight from Paris to Seattle last November and thought there could be no harm in asking him about the patch on his jacket that read TEAM SEATTLE / 24 HOURS OF DAYTONA. Well some 13 hours later most all my questions were answered and I was on the team as the official team photographer. Since those cold winter days much has transpired within the team. Don's tireless efforts have secured Patrick Dempsy and Joe Foster as the other two drivers, sadly leaving Chris Pallis and Ross Bentley out of the car. Ross will be staying on as the Driver Coach, a critical role in the team. With the inclusion of Mr. Dempsy & Joe Foster, Team Seattle was able to secure the required funds & is racing for the kids. And that is what counts. And, according to Don, Patrick is fast. And fast is good.
On Tuesday June 3rd I'll be off, arriving in Paris on the morning of the 4th. I chose to arrive a little early knowing it takes me an average of 5 days to kick the initial 9 hour jet lag punch. So Monday the 8th, the odessy begins with a 2 hour bus tour of Paris, (something that in 40+ years of going to Paris I've never done) and then off to our chateau 10 minutes from The circuit. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday will have the team preparing and most importantly, QUALIFYING for the race. This is big. If the boys are slow, we don't go. So I am praying to every God I've ever encountered for His speed that week. Go Boys Go. What is so incredible about this whole thing is the goal behind it. To raise a million bucks for Seattle Children's. Over the last 12 years Don Kitch Jr. has been racing for the kids and winning. Here's the low down taken from the History section of teamseattle.com, a place I encourage you to visit. And don't forget to check out the Faces Program on the home page by clicking on the MY FACE RACED LE MANS link. It's in red and not easily missed.
Team Seattle began raising funds for Children’s Hospital as a result of team founder, Don Kitch’s desire to see motorsport contribute and be more than just a sport. He wanted to use racing as a means to support a charitable concern.
Each year, from 1997 to 2008, Team Seattle has raised funds for Children’s Hospital by collecting pledges from companies and individuals for each lap completed at the Rolex 24 Hour sports car race held every year at Daytona International Speedway.
Over the years, the Team has contributed over $550,000 to the uncompensated care fund, $1.1 million to the Cardiac Research Endowment, and almost $1.3 million to the Team Seattle Endowment for Excellence in Cardiac Intensive Care, amounting to a total of over $3.3 million. The Cardiac Intensive Care Unit has been named after Kami Renee Sutton, an inspiring heart patient and racing enthusiast who has been an integral part of Team Seattle since its inception.
12 Years at Daytona
It can be said that Team Seattle has “won” every race entered. That’s because no matter where the cars finish on the track, the team has ended each race with a significant cash contribution to Children’s Hospital. However, in 1999, Team Seattle finished 1st in the GT class and followed that up in 2003 with the two-car team’s astounding 1st and 2nd place finish in the SRP-II class.
If history is any predictor, Team Seattle’s effort at Le Mans in 2009 will bring excitement on the track and significant contributions to Children’s Hospital.
So that's all for now. I've included a few shots from the run up to this truly incredible effort by this amazing guy and the very special group of people he has attracted. Be sure to check back the week of June 8th for daily updates and first hand reporting from yours truly. And what the hell, since you can't join us in person, (sold out, so sorry) throw a little love in our direction and get YOUR face on OUR car and ride with us for 24 hours of the greatest endurance auto race in the world.