Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Blog entry # 2. 

I had the rather excellent fortune recently to be invited by new friend, Arne Zaslove to meet his old friend, Bob Kramer. Bob's a knife man by current trade, and something of a good one if the 3 year wait to get a Kramer blade is any indicator. He's located himself in a trendy upscale neighborhood somewhere near west nowheresville Olympia. Right between to the chop-shop & meth lab. Seems like no one messes with a guy who makes knives sharper than razors and wields a bullwhip like a Capitol Hill dominatrix on crack. We stayed for awhile and shot and shot until it was clearly time to start drinking. And that's about as much as I remember. But there are the pictures...

Saturday, May 24, 2008


So here it is, the very first Blog of my life. What the hell do I write. Went out yesterday with Mr H from Hampco, hampsten.com and shot 20k worth of sweet rolling glory. They are mighty rides. What an incredibly lame entry. Next whan weel be better.